Conference 2011

Institute of Pre- and Proto-History and Archaeology of the Ancient Near East at the University of Heidelberg organized an international colloquium on the Late Assyran Palaces: „The Palaces of the Late Assyrian Period“

The colloquium was held in Heidelberg on 22nd of January 2011 at the Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg, Hauptstr. 242, D-69117 Heidelberg.

During the colloquium new developments in the study of Late Assyrian palatial architecture were discussed. Our understanding of Late Assyrian palaces has long been shaped by the royal palaces located in the capitals of the Assyrian Empire. Work within the past decades has substantially increased the scope of our knowledge. New excavations have resulted in the discovery of several formerly unknown palatial buildings, especially in the Assyrian provinces. With so much new information having become available it has become time to re-address the nature of Late Assyrian architecture. Especial attention was  given to the transfer of architectural knowledge and concepts between the provincial centres and capital cities.

The meeting brought together  excavators of Late Assyrian palaces, providing a platform for discussing new architectural data and further our understanding of Late Assyrian architecture. The participants included some of the most important specialist on Late Assyrian architecture who presented their work in the Assyrian capitals (Nineveh and Ashur) as well as the provincial centres (Tell Halaf, Sheikh Hammed, Ziyaret Tepe and Tell Masaïkh).

This workshop was organized in the context of the Graduate School "Räume, Bilder, Lebensformen in antiken Kulturen" of the Zentrum für Altertumswissenschaften at the Heidelberg University.


Colloquium was supported by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung


and by the center for scholarly exchange  Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg (IWH)

 Results of the meeting are published

David Kertai & Peter A. Miglus (eds), New Research on Late Assyrian Palaces, in: Heidelberger Studien zum Alten Orient 15 (2013)